Permanent Address (With Pincode)
Communication Address (With Pincode)
Date of birth
Attested copy of SSLC certificate:
Attested copy of Plus Two certificate:
Other Qualifications, if any
Are you a member of scheduled caste/tribe
Proof of caste certificate from village officer/Tahsildar:
Trade Chosen
First Preference
Select Trade
Draughtman Civil
Mechanic Motor Vehicle
Electronics Mechanic
Solar Technician
Second Preference
Select Trade
Draughtman Civil
Mechanic Motor Vehicle
Electronics Mechanic
Solar Technician
Third Preference
Select Trade
Draughtman Civil
Mechanic Motor Vehicle
Electronics Mechanic
Solar Technician
Declaration I hereby declare that the information given above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If I am selected I
shall abide by the rules and regulations of the institution from the time.